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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Is Diabetes Stressful?

For me, yes. Sorry I haven't written here in awhile. Too much to do and not enough time.

The stress of my diabetes issue is getting better since I started taking better care of myself and I suggest you all do the same, diabeticor not. Without our health, well, what is there really?

We can't enjoy life when we are bed ridden now can we?

There are lots of places to go and get information regarding diabetes and how to make it more manageable and easier to deal with.

How can our diet have such a big impact on our body?

Delicious Diabetic Recipes

Take care of your health first, like I did and you will see a difference.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Where to find Homefront video game

This was a great video on how to play the Homefront video game

in reference to:

"Where to find Homefront video game"
- Where to find Homefront video game - (view on Google Sidewiki)